Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's Been a long time!

I will be posting a ton of new pictures in the next few days. I have really neglected this blog! Someday my kiddos will wonder what's with all of the gaps in posts on the blog, and I will just tell them I was too busy playing with them and being their mama to blog.

Of course, Jack is a growing BIG boy. He loves Buzz Lightyear and his favorite animal to sleep with is a giraffe named Lenny that was passed down from Anabelle. In fact, Lenny goes everywhere. He rode down the belt at the grocery store which Jack thought was hilarious. Anabelle, of course, went into rescue mode and jumped out of the basket to the belt to "save him". Jack is babbling so much and really beginning to use his words. Unlike Anabelle, he is taking his time on speaking in sentences. Josh and I have learned to not compare Anabelle and Jack when it comes to talking. She speaks so well and Jack is just on Jack's time. :)

Anabelle has really slimmed up. I wonder where my chunky little baby went? She gave herself her own haircut this summer. While at the hair place trying to fix her man-made mullet, she informed me that Jack loved his haircut that she gave him, too. She said he laughed the whole time. So much for capturing the little guy's first haircut...She has also started playing soccer. I mean, if you want to call it that. She is a champ in warm-ups, but sits in the middle of the field and refuses to play during the game. BUT, I must say, she looks super cute doing it! Pink shin guards, pink cleats, and ribbons in her hair make up for the lack of playing time:)She has learned the Pledge of Allegiance and God Bless America. Our favorite line is... And to the rePUBLIX, for which it stands... It is really funny. She has also started learning her letters and how to write them. She does a fantastic job at it!

We are currently remodeling some parts of our kitchen that required us to take down a wall. The kids were amazed when they went upstairs yesterday. They couldn't believe it! They spent their time going in and out of the kitchen through the old wall. Even Belle, the hound, was shocked. She is so old now, I am surprised she even noticed.

So many things have changed since my last blog. It is amazing how life can throw you curve balls that you never see coming. The last few years have been full of change for me. I married Josh, we had Anabelle, my Daddy passed away, we had Jack, we decided to move to another state, and the biggest change, I lost my Mama and the babies lost their GiGi. This has been a tough adjustment for Anabelle. It has truly been one of the hardest things to do as a mom- explain to your child where her Gigi is. In fact, there have been many times when I go to pick up the phone to call my mom and ask for her advice on how to do this. And, if you know Anabelle, this little girl is smart and curious and wants answers. I know this is something I will never get over. People tell you it will get better, but it doesn't. I think you just learn ways to cope with it and try to keep on keeping on. As I was cleaning out some things of Mom's, I came across a letter from a group of cafeteria workers. They wrote my mom to tell her thank you for sticking up for them when nobody else would. This type of character is something GiGi was an example of for me and I hope I can pass on this type of character to Anabelle and Jack.
Yesterday, Anabelle learned the letter G... This will always be a special letter to me-

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mother's Day and Prayer

This Mother's Day, Josh and I spent the weekend in Fort Walton relaxing at the beach and playing in the pool. Best. Mother's. Day. Gift. Ever. It was much needed time with the kids.

We thought we would spend our time chasing Jack, but he just crawled up in a beach chair and watched and talked to the birds as they flew by. He decided to chase them, which actually looked like a drunk person trying to run in the sand. The birds did not even attempt to run, they just walked about 3 feet in front of him.
Anabelle loves the beach, but this trip she was way more interested in the pool. Puddle Jumpers are amazing; we just put them on the kiddos and they float around. They are really starting to play well together. I am really glad they have each other for entertainment.

We attempted to go out to eat at Fudpucker's thinking it would be a restaurant to keep them entertained. Anabelle spent her time dancing in the middle of the isles and writing on the walls (it is allowed there.)

Unfortunately, we made sure the kids were slathered in sunscreen, but we neglected to wear it. Josh and I both looked like lobsters.

 I also received my pot holder from Anabelle. I am 2 for 2 on pot holders for the past 2 years. What can I say? I love them. I actually need more, but at the rate I am going, I will have plenty in the next couple of years:)

This month, Jack had his first big fever and scared the bajeebezies out of us! He is the most laid back, happy baby, so it was very hard to see him sick. He weighs 29 pounds now and is pretty much eating me out of house and home. I love it, though! I never dreamed I would have a blonde headed little boy!

Anabelle is obsessed with the movie Tangled. Josh and I can almost quote every line. She has decided not to cut her hair so that it will grow "super long." Fine with me- Anabelle's hair is beautiful with cascading curls, light brown with hints of blonde.

On a different note, I found out my mother has lung cancer, which has spread to her liver, bones, and  lymph nodes. We are really praying for peace of mind and comfort. Anabelle and Jack love their GiGi. This is a really hard time for us. All prayers are appreciated!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

William's Visit! (Baby Ali, Too!)

Will, Allison, and William came to visit this past weekend. Allison is pregnant with Ali and is so cute! Anabelle kept telling her that she liked the baby in her belly. The kiddo's got along great. My nephew is so well behaved and so sweet to be around. Not to mention smart, too! We attempted to watch a Barron's game Saturday night, but it was too cold for the kids, so Allison and I took them for milkshakes and left the boys. The kids did get to play in the kid zone and spent their time jumping in bounce houses and climbing a monster slide.
I was very sad to see them go:(
Here are some pictures from the weekend. They always bring our kids MS State stuff (better than Alabama or Vanderbilt, Josh says!) We tried to get their pictures in matching t-shirts. There are a few decent pictures, but with little ones you just have to take what you can get!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Christmas, Easter, and Birthdays!

These pictures are from the church Easter egg hunt. A sweet girl walked around and helped Jack pick up eggs. He was pretty content to pick up one egg and carry it around. Anabelle did great! I tried to coach her before hand on getting as many as possible and not stopping to see what was in each egg. Sure enough, she stopped to open the first egg she found. John John and I convinced her to put it in the basket and keep going!!
The Easter Bunny came! Actually, everyone in our house got a little something for Easter. Josh and I got new shutters from the Easter Bunny. (AKA John John:) Anabelle got a craft kit, a dora doll, dvd's, and lots of candy. Jack got some candy and a beach ball. He was very content with his beach ball and all of his sister's stuff. We went to church and the kids hunted eggs at our house afterward. Jack had 2 eggs and Anabelle had the rest. Belle "hunted" eggs, too. She popped as many as she could get a hold of and ate the candy (wrapper and all). Geez...
I am not sure why Jack was crying in the picture above. I thought it was funny, though. He is so laid back but if he gets mad enough, he will let you know! In case you are wondering why his Easter outfit is unsnapped, it is because he outgrew it in a week!

These pictures are from Gigi's house. The kids loved their Christmas gifts. Jack got a football tent and Anabelle got boardgames.

Santa Claus! Play kitchen and gear for Anabelle, and a wooden train and cars for Jack. Anabelle had to point out the fact that the kitchen was not pink (first words that came out of her mouth when she saw her toys) but that she still liked it. By the end of the morning, she was not happy with having her picture made! (bottom left corner) Bea and John John got her a new baby she named "Rosemary" and red cowboy boots. I have learned that red cowboy boots apparently match everything.

Anabelle skating... What can I say? She spent more time on the ground than she did standing up. She finally just stuck her feet out and I pushed her around the rink.

Jack's first birthday!!!

Meal: Meatloaf, Mac and Cheese, Black-Eyed Peas

The kid can eat! He was banging on the oven waiting for the meat loaf.

Cake: He had his own cake to smash. Anabelle helped him eat it, as well as Belle. At that point, I had to take the cake away. Yuck!

Present: Little People Construction Ramp

Jack started walking shortly after his first birthday on February 9th. He just took off. It wasn't pretty, but he did it! He still walks like baby godzilla. He is very bow-legged, but has finally started bending his knees. He is in upper 90 percentiles for weight, height, and his head. He has blonde hair with curls.

Strawberry Shortcake 3rd birthday!!

Anabelle had a big time- she got lots of presents and a scooter!! The cake was a hit.
We recently painted a chalkboard in our kitchen to write messages. This has been great for birthday pictures!

She is so tall and her hair is light brown with curls. She is potty trained and off of the passy. She loves to cut with scissors and dance to music.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jack is 1 !!!

I don't have any pictures to upload today. I am so far behind, that I am going to have to take a night to post from Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Today Jack is 1 year old. Wow. No more babies in my house.

Last night I was putting away his bottles to make room for his sippies and it hit me that my baby is now technically not a baby. Where does the time go?

2011 was a whirlwind. Jack was born, Josh took a new job, our house went on the market, Josh started commuting to Alabama, I quit my job, we moved permanently to Alabama, bought a house in Alabama,the kids started a new preschool, I got a new job... the changes in the past year were almost too many to count.

Jack is now trying to walk, but not very interested. He has taken a few steps, but he is content to crawl. His hair is blonde with curls in the back. Never thought I would have a blonde child!!!
He is so content to play and hang out. He is wearing size 2t clothes and a size 5 shoe. He loves to sleep with his goofy at night. He has learned that it is "funny" to toot and entertains us with this when we are eating. Anabelle, of course, loves this. In fact, any sound like a toot send both of the kiddos into a fit of giggles. Speaking of eating, this child loves to eat!!! When I fix spaghetti, he eats at least 2 plate fulls. I am really going to have to bargain grocery shop when this kid gets older. On January 17th, he said Mama. I am not sure if he knows that is me, but he said it and it counts.
We are having a family birthday party for him tonight. I was/am very conflicted about birthday parties this year. The kids won't remember them and they end up being about who is there/how many presents/ all the details. Josh reminded me that the birthday parties he remembered were the ones that he ate dinner with his family and had cake. He didn't remember anything over the top, just the fact that he was with family. So... I am making meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, and macarroni and cheese. He and Anabelle will have cake and icecream and the rest of the night we will PLAY LIKE CRAZY!

Anabelle is now potty trained and says the craziest things! She asked me for a new puzzle and I asked her where her money was. She then said she didn't have any and asked Josh for some. Josh informed her he didn't have any money and that he was "broke." She put her head on her hand and said- Well, I guess we won't get a new puzzle tonight, Daddy is broke." She loves to have dance parties in the kitchen with us and the way she moves her hips is hilarious! She even tries to tap her toes, but she just pops her leg instead.
I feel guilty for not updating the blog, but I am too busy enjoying life with these 2 wild kiddos and their Daddy!