Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Wow- We have to get one of these. Instant entertainment!

Slip and Slide

Family Reunion

Mamaw and Jack

Cheesing it big time!

Cat Napping

Granna and Jack

This is from the weekend before- she was skinny dipping on the top step of the pool.

Sometimes I think we try to do too much. We are always going and going and going... Sometimes I don't even unpack bags- I just add more clean stuff and hope that I have what I need for the kids.

This weekend was no different. We went swimming Saturday, Beasley family reunion Sunday, and back to the pool on Monday. Anabelle went for 2 days without a nap, and she finally went inside while we were at the pool, curled up on the couch, and took a much needed 2+hour nap. Jack-let's just say that he caught his "cat naps" wherever we went.

Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Anabelle's Spring Program

Anabelle's Preschool had their Spring Program and Anabelle was old enough to participate this year. The theme was "Let's Get Physical", and the kids did a lot of singing and dancing. We sat in the middle of the church and tried to hide from her, because if she saw her parents or grandparents, it would be over. Needless to say, she really showed out. She danced and sang and had a ton of fun! Here are some pictures of during and after the program.

Bea and John John were sitting where she could see them, so this was their attempt to hide themselves.

We attempted multiple family photos, but I am convinced we will never get one where everyone is looking at the camera.

Anabelle is in the long blue dress.

Hokey Pokey (She would randomly sing this song in the car and at home so we figured she was singing it for the program)

Entering the sanctuary with her hands up.

Jack waiting for the show to start. He is now playing with his feet all of the time.

This is really a "Simpson" look. I think he is looking more like my side of the family everyday.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I can't believe that Jack is almost 4 months! I feel like time is flying by.
Jack: You have discovered your hands and feet! You will spend a ton of time checking them out and shaking them. You love rice cereal and applesauce (mixed). You are such a big boy and I am afraid you are going to eat us out of house and home:) You smile all of the time, but you are not afraid to poke your bottom lip out when you are hungry or want attention. You are sleeping about 10 hours at night and napping great during the day. You still love your sister and are pretty fascinated with her. Right now you are wearing some 6 months and 9 months clothing.
I am thinking you will make a great football player...

Anabelle: Wow- you are a little chatter box! We have some of the most interesting conversations that are so funny! You have started using the potty and pretty much have it down pat. You are very independent and are very willing to help me around the house. I dread the day that you find out the tasks I ask you to help with are really chores. You let me know on a daily basis that you are "daddy's girl" and "daddy's princess." Don't worry- I totally understand. I was both of those when I was growing up. You tell everyone you are moving to Alabama, then finish it off with "Boo Bama, Bama stinks." This makes your daddy very proud. Your favoite songs right now are Baby Bumblebee, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the hokey Pokey. You have spotted us now when you come out for children's church, so Daddy and I have to hide in the pew now. You are fascinated with hang nails- I know it's strange, but you examine your fingers everyday to find one. You refer to your little brother as Jackaroo now, and you are very sweet and gentle towards him. I am amazed at your ability to put thoughts into words, and I love your expressions when you see something new- "oh WOW, mommy"...

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Face Off